Friday, July 11, 2014

Model TWH vs Real TWH..............oh the debate is heated

Let me tell you right off that I absolutely LOVE Breyer's TWH model. Yes that model is in the "Big Lick" rack, but I don't rightfully care. I see beauty of the motion. NOT the abuse that several people claim it represents. I thought that this hobby judged models based on conformation,structure and breed representation? Not the position in which it is in. For those who don't know what a "Big Lick" look like, here is a model.
 This model is original finish and from some hobbiest claim, it represents the "Soreing" that goes on in the real world. 
Yes I know that soreing goes on, but why claim that this beauty represents it? I don't see sores on the ankles or chains. So now, some of those are saying that if they see this beauty of a model in the show ring, they would DQ it. Why do that when you are intimidating people to destroy their models? I personally love the mold and I won't be afraid to show it in either Halter or Performance. It is a MODEL HORSE!!! Not a living breathing animal. Geesh

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