Saturday, July 25, 2015

Haunting past.........oh boy

Good morning everyone. I hope your weekend is very productive. Normally I post just about everything that is either bothering me or interests me. Well, last night I my past caught up with me. Not any childhood past, but photo showing past. 

I still use messenger(yea I am seriously aging myself here)and I was talking to a few friends that I hadn't talked to in many years. Well, I get a notification that a user needed to talk to me and it was urgent. So, I figured I would see what it was about. I now really wished I hadn't.

This person immediately started telling me that I had to get out of the hobby. Here is the convo
"GypsyColt: You really didn't think I would see that you are STILL showing with crappy photo's? Didn't I tell you years ago to leave the hobby? Your photo's are not worth the paper they are printed on and now your into digital photos? I told you that your models were crap. You CAN'T customize worth shit and your skills are just shit. Yes I seen your photos on Google. All are just crap and need to be deleted off the internet. I can't believe that you didn't take my threat serious. I bet your shitty models get DQ'd alot too. Well they should. They DON'T belong in any photo shows let alone live shows. If I had thought about it when I had your shitty photo's, I would have BURNED them up. I am a qualified judge and had EVERY FUCKING RIGHT to DQ ALL YOUR MODELS. Now do you have anything to say about that?"

No I didn't respond. I didn't want to give this person the pleasure. My temper shot up like a bullet out of a gun. I figured that if I had responded, I would have said something I would regret. So I just hit the ignore button. 

I know who this person is and yes she did judge my photo's back in the early 90's when I was just learning how to take photo's. I didn't have a good quality camera at the time and just used what I had. As for my CM work, I was learning that too. I taught myself the art of blending etc just by looking at other peoples photos. No I am not a big name artist. I didn't ever plan to be. I just cm for the pleasure. Yea so a few of my models had found new homes and to this day the owners are still happy with them. But when this girl shows up years after the fact, it pissed me off.

I don't sit and tell someone that their photo's suck. I give advice to help improve. Yes, I read to improve my own photo's. But to sit there and tell a potential photographer that her photo's suck is just seriously wrong. 

Not all my photo's are great, I know that. The old photo's that I do have are used mainly for my web site. I don't show them. And when I do show them, they go in a special class just for them. 
I have since blocked this person on messenger and also reported her for the comments that she posted. I love to learn to better my photography skills when I can. It's called Trial and Error. We all can't just point and shoot and have a photo that kills. It takes time and practice. Oh well, she is out of my way and I hope that she don't decide to try to friend me on either facebook or google +. I don't need her kind constantly belittling me over something that happened decades ago. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

NAN.............come and gone

Well, as the title says, NAN has come and gone. No my horses didn't place at all. I pretty much knew they wouldn't. Oh well. At least they had a chance to experience a large show. The person who proxied them for me got a few top 10's. Congrats to her for that. I was looking the results over and once again, I noticed that a few showers(who remain nameless) had more top tens and champions with lots of models. I guess it is these showers who go to several shows a year with the same horse. Or the judges just think that their models are totally worth the high placings. Oh well. No there won't be a "Next time" for my horses. In fact, any cards I get from now on will be discarded. No I won't destroy them, I will just put them in an envelop and put them away BLANK. I am now going for points NOT nan qualification. 

I know some of you who read this will object, but if you have been burned as many times as I have, you would see it my way. Yes I have a hand full of models that get first and second placings, but that is it. The rest are like............."Oh it is her it under 4th place cause she is to stupid when to stop showing"

Yes that is how I feel at times.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Trouble isn't all that happened

Well, NAN 2015 came and gone and I wasn't able to view it live via Ustream. Why? No internet or phone. Daniel only getting 2 weeks of 25 hours each put us in a hole and I had to let my net get shut off and my phones deactivated. 

I had 5 models showing at NAN this year and none of them even made it to the top 10. In fact, only 2 of them got any points. I guess when a judge see's my name they are like "Oh so this is her horse. Lets just make sure it DON'T place". Yea, I am somewhat upset, but I knew that my models had some stiff competition to compete with. Congrats to all those who did get ribbons and better placings. I just wonder how many horses didn't make the cut? Oh well. 

On to other things. I may not be doing anymore Arabian costumes. Why? cause Daniel and I had this big ole fight and he accused me of being a (his words) "Filthy, stinking, hoarding bitch". We had some serious words flung around and when I went to take a walk, he threw all my tack making supplies and models into storage. Changed the lock and now wont give me the key. I told him that I had orders to get done, but he said that it was just tough shit. 

Daniel loves to listen to his family when it comes to my hobby. They keep telling him that NO woman over 25 collect toy horses. He told them that yes they do. But they don't listen, so instead they try to brain wash him. Now he wants me to completely forget about collecting. Asshole.

Well, better go for now.