Saturday, May 9, 2015

Severe Weather...

Severe weather is upon us. Yea, I have been watching the weather channel as well as local channels for any and all updates. So far, we haven't had any tornado's. South Texas(Midland - Lubbock - Dallas etc) have been getting them. Oklahoma got hammered with them. Over 50 or so. I don't think Oklahoma has ever had a year without tornado's. Norman got hit last week with a high end EF2. Yup lots of destruction. One elderly lady did loose her life. She drowned in her cellar due to the flooding that was going on. R.I.P to the un-named. Horrid way to die, but I guess it was her time to go home. 

Living in an RV when there are storms around does put me into my nervous state. I have seen the pictures of RV's being thrown around like feathers in the wind. It gets even more scarier when the local sheriff decides that it is best to stay in the park just in case there is a tornado so he can warn everyone to get to shelter. The cellar here is NOT cleaned out and has some weird animals living there. The owner refuses to clean it out. So if we do get a threat here, we are pretty much screwed.

Plus there was a big debate on one of the Oklahoma News channels about the schools there not having a cellar. I personally believe that every school in Tornado alley must have a cellar. Wither it is used or not, It should be mandatory to have one. When I posted my thoughts on the subject, Lots of people liked my comment and even replied that they agree. Our kids need safety from these fierce beasts of nature and some of the schools don't have it. I guess the government don't give a damn about the safety. If it was up to me, yes there would be a cellar at EVERY school in tornado alley. It don't matter if they only get 1 tornado in a 10 year span, it only takes 1 to take a school out and kill innocent children and teachers.

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