Tuesday, April 7, 2015

2 hobbies vs husband

Yea, you read right.. 2 hobbies vs the husband. Lately he has been on a rampage about BOTH of my hobbies. Model horses AND my crocheting. They seem to irritate him so much that he now bitches about them both. 

It started Saturday when I was sitting in my chair working on my latest graphgan. He seen my box of yarn and asked "Is that the only box of yarn you have?" I had replied "Yes, but will be ordering more to finish off the other 3 afghans that I have".....oops wrong thing to say. He went into anger mode in less then a second. Ranting and raving on how I am "Blowing HIS money" on yarn and models. Uhm...........I have only bought like 4 models this year and maybe 2 balls of yarn, which we know is way much cheaper than a model. But dayum, why go into rage when I mention that I need yarn to FINISH 3 other afghans? I wanted to rage on with him, but I have to keep my temper down. Why I want to keep it down cause I have been known to do things that would put me in jail. When I get that mad, I black out and don't remember any part of the arguing. It is only after I have calmed down that I realize where or what I am doing. So yea, keeping that from happening, I normally walk away. That I know makes him that much more angered and thus causing him to leave in his pickup. Yesterday though, he did apologize for his out burst and told me that I can buy more yarn. We were able to calmly talk about the finances and what we are able to spend. I told him that when it comes to my models, I only buy models that I like, and IF I can't afford them(even though I like them), don't mean that I am going to buy them. Don't get me wrong, there are thousands of models I would love to purchase, but normally they are out of my price range. So I make the decision to not buy them. Sometimes after a few months(or even years), the price goes down to where I can afford them, thus I will then buy them. I know that some models the price don't go down, it keeps going up. So I just download a photo of them and put them in my "Wish I could afford" folder. Yes, it does consist of a lot of HTG models that I know I won't ever to afford. Does it bother me? Sometimes it does, but I have learned to live with it and think that the lucky owner paid a pretty price for the model. 

I also told the hubby that I do make sure that the bills are paid BEFORE I buy any yarn and or models. I check our checking account on a regular basis to make sure I can afford something before blindly buying it. Yea, that checking account is the master to wither I buy model/yarn. It speaks, I obey. I just wish the hubby would do that. LOL like that is going to happen anytime soon.

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