Friday, July 14, 2017

Rant about the BF "Surprise" models

Boy do I enjoy getting told to "Fuck Off" in other words. But here goes............................Long rant

As many of you know I don't attend Breyer Fest. It's not that I don't want too, it's just that finances are the cause. 
In the past few years, Breyer has put out "Surprise" models with the cost of $75.00 to this years $85.00. Not bad for a limited run model (250 glossy and 250 matte). What is bad is when the person goes online and sets the price at $500 or greater. Uhm Sorry, but a limited edition IS NOT rare. I would soon rather pay that price for an OOAK than for a LE. 
2 years Breyer used 2 molds that I just happen to like(and conga) for their "Surprise" models and I can't even fucking afford them. Why? cause people are getting fucking greedy. Hell, lets buy this model for $85.00 then sell it for several hundred dollars. There are always some mindless buyer out there. Sorry, but unless that model is OOAK, I refuse to buy it. I don't give a damn if the person swears up and down that that is the price they paid at BF. 
The Roxy "Surprise" models are STILL well over $400 and they are over 3 years old. Sorry, but nope. It's not an OOAK.
They are just LE and the price gouging is the downfall of the owner.

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