Saturday, December 26, 2015

Major snow storm or a hoax?

Yup you read right, we are under a blizzard warning here in the Texas panhandle. They say we are suppose to get up to 3 feet of snow, but I don't see that happening. We might get 1 inch, but that's it. Plus this storm was suppose to arrive around 3:00pm but, it isn't here yet. I'm seeing this "Major" storm as a big ole hoax. It has happened before. They said "Yup we have a big snow storm headed for the Texas panhandle. Snow totals up to 2 feet." HAHAHAHAHAHA what a freaking joke. We got NOTHING. Just a small amount of rain and that was it. And people wonder WHY I am so skeptical. 

IF we do get any snow, I will get photo's of it.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Facebook really needs to go by their own standards

A friend on Facebook brought it to his friends attention about a group on Facebook allowing porno and beastiality. He posted the link and being curious, I checked it out. OMG!!!! There was so much of it in the group, I nearly passed out. Plus get this................the group is an OPEN group. So ANY teen under the age of 18 can see this group. I was so appalled by the content that I felt sick. Sick video's and seriously graphic pictures. Child porn was horrid within this group. Several people have reported both the group and it's contents, but yet Facebook REFUSES to remove it. 

Now here is were I find Facebook to be screwy as hell..............I create a group called "Facebook's Most Extreme". Set it to "Secret" and allow members to post nude pictures. BUT not one member EVER posted any child porn or beastiality. THAT group gets shut down. But yet a group that has this shit in it and is an open group is allowed to remain on Facebook? Smells seriously fishy. 

I don't care if I do get kicked off of Facebook. That group HAS to be taken down.

Monday, October 12, 2015

R.I.P. Jim West

My heart cries as I learned the passing of one of the greatest persons I knew. Jim West passed away this morning of a massive heart attack. I didn't even know he had heart problems, that is if he had them. 

I met Jim last year at High Country Live in Calhan, Co. His joy and enthusiasm was contagious and he was that ray of light in any room. I had seen Jim on video for 2 years via NAN. When I first heard the term "Kilt Man" I almost spit my soda out. I was like who?what?where? Well it turned out to be Jim. He made all those watching laugh. Jim had a kind heart and I seriously doubt he would ever harm a person. He was a "People" person. I thoroughly enjoyed his company at the live show. He even helped me put some of my models on tables that they(the models) needed to be on. I didn't ask him to help, he just did it. Am I happy he did? Hell yes. 

Jim will be missed in the hobby and will NOT be forgotten
  Here is the picture of Jim that I feel honored to have taken. His daughter Hannah is just as sweet as Jim was. R.I.P Jim, may your legacy live on within the hobby and family.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Haunting past.........oh boy

Good morning everyone. I hope your weekend is very productive. Normally I post just about everything that is either bothering me or interests me. Well, last night I my past caught up with me. Not any childhood past, but photo showing past. 

I still use messenger(yea I am seriously aging myself here)and I was talking to a few friends that I hadn't talked to in many years. Well, I get a notification that a user needed to talk to me and it was urgent. So, I figured I would see what it was about. I now really wished I hadn't.

This person immediately started telling me that I had to get out of the hobby. Here is the convo
"GypsyColt: You really didn't think I would see that you are STILL showing with crappy photo's? Didn't I tell you years ago to leave the hobby? Your photo's are not worth the paper they are printed on and now your into digital photos? I told you that your models were crap. You CAN'T customize worth shit and your skills are just shit. Yes I seen your photos on Google. All are just crap and need to be deleted off the internet. I can't believe that you didn't take my threat serious. I bet your shitty models get DQ'd alot too. Well they should. They DON'T belong in any photo shows let alone live shows. If I had thought about it when I had your shitty photo's, I would have BURNED them up. I am a qualified judge and had EVERY FUCKING RIGHT to DQ ALL YOUR MODELS. Now do you have anything to say about that?"

No I didn't respond. I didn't want to give this person the pleasure. My temper shot up like a bullet out of a gun. I figured that if I had responded, I would have said something I would regret. So I just hit the ignore button. 

I know who this person is and yes she did judge my photo's back in the early 90's when I was just learning how to take photo's. I didn't have a good quality camera at the time and just used what I had. As for my CM work, I was learning that too. I taught myself the art of blending etc just by looking at other peoples photos. No I am not a big name artist. I didn't ever plan to be. I just cm for the pleasure. Yea so a few of my models had found new homes and to this day the owners are still happy with them. But when this girl shows up years after the fact, it pissed me off.

I don't sit and tell someone that their photo's suck. I give advice to help improve. Yes, I read to improve my own photo's. But to sit there and tell a potential photographer that her photo's suck is just seriously wrong. 

Not all my photo's are great, I know that. The old photo's that I do have are used mainly for my web site. I don't show them. And when I do show them, they go in a special class just for them. 
I have since blocked this person on messenger and also reported her for the comments that she posted. I love to learn to better my photography skills when I can. It's called Trial and Error. We all can't just point and shoot and have a photo that kills. It takes time and practice. Oh well, she is out of my way and I hope that she don't decide to try to friend me on either facebook or google +. I don't need her kind constantly belittling me over something that happened decades ago. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

NAN.............come and gone

Well, as the title says, NAN has come and gone. No my horses didn't place at all. I pretty much knew they wouldn't. Oh well. At least they had a chance to experience a large show. The person who proxied them for me got a few top 10's. Congrats to her for that. I was looking the results over and once again, I noticed that a few showers(who remain nameless) had more top tens and champions with lots of models. I guess it is these showers who go to several shows a year with the same horse. Or the judges just think that their models are totally worth the high placings. Oh well. No there won't be a "Next time" for my horses. In fact, any cards I get from now on will be discarded. No I won't destroy them, I will just put them in an envelop and put them away BLANK. I am now going for points NOT nan qualification. 

I know some of you who read this will object, but if you have been burned as many times as I have, you would see it my way. Yes I have a hand full of models that get first and second placings, but that is it. The rest are like............."Oh it is her it under 4th place cause she is to stupid when to stop showing"

Yes that is how I feel at times.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Trouble isn't all that happened

Well, NAN 2015 came and gone and I wasn't able to view it live via Ustream. Why? No internet or phone. Daniel only getting 2 weeks of 25 hours each put us in a hole and I had to let my net get shut off and my phones deactivated. 

I had 5 models showing at NAN this year and none of them even made it to the top 10. In fact, only 2 of them got any points. I guess when a judge see's my name they are like "Oh so this is her horse. Lets just make sure it DON'T place". Yea, I am somewhat upset, but I knew that my models had some stiff competition to compete with. Congrats to all those who did get ribbons and better placings. I just wonder how many horses didn't make the cut? Oh well. 

On to other things. I may not be doing anymore Arabian costumes. Why? cause Daniel and I had this big ole fight and he accused me of being a (his words) "Filthy, stinking, hoarding bitch". We had some serious words flung around and when I went to take a walk, he threw all my tack making supplies and models into storage. Changed the lock and now wont give me the key. I told him that I had orders to get done, but he said that it was just tough shit. 

Daniel loves to listen to his family when it comes to my hobby. They keep telling him that NO woman over 25 collect toy horses. He told them that yes they do. But they don't listen, so instead they try to brain wash him. Now he wants me to completely forget about collecting. Asshole.

Well, better go for now.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Caroline Murphy

Many of you have seen our newest rider on Facebook and Google + and I know your ready to hear her story to why she came to us.

About 3 weeks ago, Heather came to me asking questions about letting a young girl being at a ranch. I answered them the best I could not knowing that those questions were about the ranch. 

So, when the time came, I got a big surprise. Caroline Murphy came to live with her aunt Heather. Now don't get me wrong, I was surprised, but didn't get mad. Why should I, the poor girl just lost both of her parents and Heather was her only closest living relative. So without much ado, here is her story

"Hi, my name is Caroline Murphy and I am 10 years old. I recently lost my mom and dad in horrific car wreck. I was staying the night at my best friends house when the police came to their house to give me the bad news. The police officer told me that some guy in a pickup ran my parents off the road in a fit of rage. Then after he got them off the road, he proceeded to ram their car with his pickup. My dad was the first to loose his life. From what the officer told me, my mom died shortly after my dad. The bad guy was arrested and they found that he had lots of beer in him" 

While Caroline was telling me her story, We were both crying. I told her that I too had lost my parents, but not the way hers' died. Mine died of natural causes. Heather had told me before that Caroline was a good rider, so we gave her a try out on one of our newest Saddlebreds. They seemed to have "Clicked" and now Caroline has a horse all to her own. She knows the rules around the ranch and since child labor laws prohibit us to pay her a check, we just added her wages on to Heather's. For a 10 year old girl, I can say she can ride.
  Here she is on her assigned horse, Winter Blues R Gone. 
Though she is assigned to him, she still has the opportunity to ride our other gaited horses. When showing, He will be her first entry to the class. 


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hard times

I know I haven't been here lately. Been trying to keep the swelling down on my feet. It has been working. Started the "Eagle" graphgan over. I frogged the daylights out of the other one cause there were so many missed/added stitches, it wasn't even funny. So I decided to start over and work slowly. I am already half way done and I have only been working on it for a week. Yea, that is going slow.............NOT!! 

Money has been extremely tight due to the rain. Knocked my husband out of work for days. Driving a haul truck has it's disadvantages. Plus the boss was trying to cut his hours down, but yet was letting other employee's get all the hours. Boy there was an argument to live for. So now the hubby has his hours back and hopefully we can get out of this bind. For a full month our checking account was in the red(over drawn) and I had to take out a personal loan from the bank. I really hate to do that cause it makes me feel like a lower class person. I had several people tell me that Daniel should just quit his job and we live on welfare for the rest of our lives. WHAT??? I was livid. First off, these people are NOT even our friends(it was on facebook) and they have the gull to tell me and Daniel such crap? I went on a blocking spree. I don't know how they found out that we were in such a tight spot either cause I don't post things like that. Even Daniel don't post like that. We both think that it was a former employee that Daniel talks to, that may have said something to some of his friends and so on so forth. 

Been getting some threatening calls from Commonwealth financial. They keep calling me and telling me that I HAVE to pay off an old(1991) Fingerhut account. The person keeps telling me that the last time I made a payment was about 3 months ago...................Really? from an account that is nearly 30 years old??? I done told them time and time again, that the account is so old it makes me look young and that there was no way I was going to pay on it or pay it off. They keep telling me that they are going to sue me, but I have yet to see a sheriff handing me a subpena to appear in court. LOL who do they think they are? 

Well, better get off of here and get some grub cooking  

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Kinda of a rant

First off, just to let ya know, I love to play the Sims3 game. Well, recently I found some mods that I thought were pretty cool. Well, these mods allow same sex interaction. I don't mind, but obviously some people found it offensive. I took 2 pictures of my lesbian sims and posted them in a album. Yes I edited the genitalia with black marks. Oh that wasn't good enough. Both photo's were reported. So I just deleted the album. I won't be posting the photo's here to show what I did. 

About 9 people sent me a PM expressing the distaste that I produced, but yet when I went to their pages, there were posts ALL over the place promoting same sex relationships. Double edge sword they are playing. Geesh, it is just a freaking game that thousands of people play. Some people are just way to sensitive to see that. Oh well, to keep the peace, I deleted the album. And won't be uploading anymore photo's from my game. That includes any houses I build. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Severe Weather...

Severe weather is upon us. Yea, I have been watching the weather channel as well as local channels for any and all updates. So far, we haven't had any tornado's. South Texas(Midland - Lubbock - Dallas etc) have been getting them. Oklahoma got hammered with them. Over 50 or so. I don't think Oklahoma has ever had a year without tornado's. Norman got hit last week with a high end EF2. Yup lots of destruction. One elderly lady did loose her life. She drowned in her cellar due to the flooding that was going on. R.I.P to the un-named. Horrid way to die, but I guess it was her time to go home. 

Living in an RV when there are storms around does put me into my nervous state. I have seen the pictures of RV's being thrown around like feathers in the wind. It gets even more scarier when the local sheriff decides that it is best to stay in the park just in case there is a tornado so he can warn everyone to get to shelter. The cellar here is NOT cleaned out and has some weird animals living there. The owner refuses to clean it out. So if we do get a threat here, we are pretty much screwed.

Plus there was a big debate on one of the Oklahoma News channels about the schools there not having a cellar. I personally believe that every school in Tornado alley must have a cellar. Wither it is used or not, It should be mandatory to have one. When I posted my thoughts on the subject, Lots of people liked my comment and even replied that they agree. Our kids need safety from these fierce beasts of nature and some of the schools don't have it. I guess the government don't give a damn about the safety. If it was up to me, yes there would be a cellar at EVERY school in tornado alley. It don't matter if they only get 1 tornado in a 10 year span, it only takes 1 to take a school out and kill innocent children and teachers.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Some people.....................Never ends

For the past week or so, I have been watching a model horse transaction group on Facebook. Seeing who is good to deal with etc. Well, another red light went up for Scarlett Wilde. Oh man that started a whole bunch of comments. 2 people in particular are Scarlett's cronies. Every time someone places a red on Scarlett, they jump in saying what a wonderful and sweet person she is. These 2 girls are completely blinded to her. So now everytime someone posts a red, they post a bunch of greens. Ashley Foulk told me that I was under 21 and acting like a 2 year old. Uhmmmm, I'm not 21. She has a foul mouth and claimed that it was everyone else who was cursing. I did look at her FB page and thought to myself "I wonder if she uses those words in front of her 3 kids?"

I have told Kollean who it was that was reporting back to Scarlett when someone said anything bad in pm. I hope she takes my warning to heart and remove those 2 from her friends list. 

Oh here is something else I found while I was "Surfing the web"

IMO this is a direct threat

" Lastly, after being singled out myself and had serious cyber attacks,
as well as a virus sent to my computer caught by my anti virus software
and my facebook and paypal being hacked.  I take trouble makers seriously."

If my memory serves me right, I found this in a model horse forum. 
If it is directed towards me about the virus crap, I can tell you right now, I don't have her email and I don't want it. As for her FB and PayPal being hacked, that is her own damn fault. Not mine
I really don't appreciate being accused of something I have no clue to what happened.

The problem with Scarlett is that for every wrong doing that she does, she blames the other person. It don't matter if the model was broken in transit to her house or broken AT her house. It is ALWAYS the other persons fault. She hides behind the block button and talks smack about everyone. Sometimes I wish FB would just do away with that option. Oh well.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

New models with performance photos

Good evening. Well I finally got around to getting some photo's of our new models. Plus I finally got my TWH named and pedigreed. I had fun finding his parents. Since he is a blue roan, His sire is one as well. Oh well, here are the new photos
 Pictured above is Winter Blues R Gone, 2015 DAH in a luscious dappled buckskin. Rider is by Anne Field. Yes I know the reins look un-crossed, but they are crossed
 Here is TH Dexter, Stone Perf horse by PDX Studios to a wild splash overo Paint. Rider by Anne Field.
 Here is the same horse performing the lope.
 Here we have our newest gaited boy. I purchased him from Nikki Byler. His name is: Dancin' Blue Moon
There is one problem with this photo though. Look closely at the bit on the off side. The headstall for this tack set is just a bit to small for him. So now I have to either make a bridle to fit, or have another tack maker make me one. Yes he is entered in his first photo show. It is a month long judging/voting show. I will be uploading his photo's to other online shows later this week.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

2015 = NO live shows

Good morning everyone. I was recently looking on the NAMSHA website for any live model horse shows that was close to me. Well, where I live, Live shows are hours away - I have yet to see one in Amarillo. Anyway, The closest shows here in Texas was in Magnolia. A small town just North West of Houston. For me to go there, I would be driving for 8 hours and when I mentioned that to Daniel, I seen the look on his face. Last year when I traveled to Colorado for a show, it took me 8 hours to get there. Well the reason is cause the speed limit was 55 and me being a law abiding person, yea I went that speed. Daniel don't understand that either. So he got mad about it and set the rule that from now on, I am only to go to shows that are 4 hours away. So that means, no going to shows in Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico(when and if there is any held there). I asked him about any shows that might be held in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area............BIG MISTAKE!!! He went ballistic over that. He don't want me anywhere near there cause of the (as he puts it)"High accident rate". Uhmmm I am a damn good driver and watch all around me. The answer is and will always be "NO". So my only venue for any live shows would be: Amarillo, Lubbock and Wichita Falls. 
Jessica Geer normally holds one in September in Wichita Falls, but she has been going through financial problems, so I came to terms with that quite easily. But for Amarillo and Lubbock? Yea, right. Heck, when NAN was held here in Texas a few years back, I couldn't go. Why? Cause it was located on the east side of Dallas. Thus meaning I would have to drive THROUGH Dallas to get there. I personally feel that Daniel is smothering me so much, that it hurts him to even think of me driving to the store. And that is only 8 miles away. He is constantly telling me to "Watch out for the other drivers" Like no duh, I do. Plus he is afraid that something will happen to me(accident wise). I am a better driver than that, but he don't see it that way. 
Plus he says that my hobby takes to much of my time. Like what am I going to do for 8 to 12 hours of the day while he is at work? Sit on my thumbs and act dumb? He is wanting me to be just like his mother(no disrespect to her), but I am NOT the type that will stay at home 365 days and do NOTHING. I like to go to shows, mingle with friends and talk about horses. Is there a problem there? I don't see one, but he does. 
I know a lot of people have told me to leave him and stuff like that, but I can't. I love him to much for that. I just want some freedom to go to model horse shows at least 3 x's a year.(2 shows. NAN)
Plus I was asking around about having a fellow hobbiest who is going to NAN this year if they could proxy about 4 of my horses.........................nope, no one is willing. But yet, when another person asks, they are like "Sure, I will proxy for ya" 

I guess it is time to just step back from the hobby and seek other venues for a hobby. 
Another note, I know for a proven fact that Scarlett Wilde is still up to her tricks. I lost 3 customers in 1 week about a month ago. They wanted one of my presentation sets then about 5 or 6 hours later, they back out cause they "Heard" that my work was shitty. They wouldn't tell me who told them lies, but I knew right off who it was. Karma is going to be a bitch on her when this is all done with.   

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

2 hobbies vs husband

Yea, you read right.. 2 hobbies vs the husband. Lately he has been on a rampage about BOTH of my hobbies. Model horses AND my crocheting. They seem to irritate him so much that he now bitches about them both. 

It started Saturday when I was sitting in my chair working on my latest graphgan. He seen my box of yarn and asked "Is that the only box of yarn you have?" I had replied "Yes, but will be ordering more to finish off the other 3 afghans that I have".....oops wrong thing to say. He went into anger mode in less then a second. Ranting and raving on how I am "Blowing HIS money" on yarn and models. Uhm...........I have only bought like 4 models this year and maybe 2 balls of yarn, which we know is way much cheaper than a model. But dayum, why go into rage when I mention that I need yarn to FINISH 3 other afghans? I wanted to rage on with him, but I have to keep my temper down. Why I want to keep it down cause I have been known to do things that would put me in jail. When I get that mad, I black out and don't remember any part of the arguing. It is only after I have calmed down that I realize where or what I am doing. So yea, keeping that from happening, I normally walk away. That I know makes him that much more angered and thus causing him to leave in his pickup. Yesterday though, he did apologize for his out burst and told me that I can buy more yarn. We were able to calmly talk about the finances and what we are able to spend. I told him that when it comes to my models, I only buy models that I like, and IF I can't afford them(even though I like them), don't mean that I am going to buy them. Don't get me wrong, there are thousands of models I would love to purchase, but normally they are out of my price range. So I make the decision to not buy them. Sometimes after a few months(or even years), the price goes down to where I can afford them, thus I will then buy them. I know that some models the price don't go down, it keeps going up. So I just download a photo of them and put them in my "Wish I could afford" folder. Yes, it does consist of a lot of HTG models that I know I won't ever to afford. Does it bother me? Sometimes it does, but I have learned to live with it and think that the lucky owner paid a pretty price for the model. 

I also told the hubby that I do make sure that the bills are paid BEFORE I buy any yarn and or models. I check our checking account on a regular basis to make sure I can afford something before blindly buying it. Yea, that checking account is the master to wither I buy model/yarn. It speaks, I obey. I just wish the hubby would do that. LOL like that is going to happen anytime soon.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March and this crazy weather

Happy March everyone. Weather here is nuts. One day of 60 degree temps and then BOOM!! an arctic blast of air the next day. I know many people are having to put up with way more than what we are and I know they are so waiting for the day they can say "LOOK NO MORE SNOW!!" We say that here a few days after it has snowed. Yes it melts that fast. Plus I wish there was some way the state of Maryland could haul all that snow they got this year to California and Nevada. Those two states are in dire need for water in any form. Mother Nature must be really pissed off at those two states for a reason. 

Ok On with other news. We are currently working on the next "Guess the size" costume. Date of announcement will be in April. We are currently working on the details of the rules. Kollean still hasn't said anything about the one she won. I will just have to mail it to her and go from there. Unless she wants me to show it for her. LOL 
We are also getting caught up on the back orders that we slacked on. That is my bad though and thankfully the person said she wasn't worried. Artistic work takes time to perfect.............I love that quote. Well, enough for now. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sunny Side won't have problems

In the past few months we have noticed that several hobbyest have been having serious problems with minors not wanting to pay or finish paying off models that they are buying. Well, we have been re-thinking how to protect ourselves from any headache from a non-paying minor. We are updating our "Commissions" page. 

Here are a few things that we will stand by. 
Minors MUST now have permission from a parent. That permission has to be mailed via snail mail before we start any work. Once the letter is received, then the minor must either make a down payment(which will be non-refundable)or pay in full before any work is started. Payment plans are available on either a bi-weekly payment or a monthly payment. 

I hate to see people go through the headache of having a minor cheat them out of money. 

Now I know there are adults who do the same thing and that part of the works is being worked out.

Now on to other news.

I have decided to do another "You guess the size" on a costume Not sure if I am going to take 40% off the asking price of $150.00. 
Yes I am pricing my costumes that high cause of all the work I put into them. They are so worth it though and several people will tell you that they are. The costume will run for the month of March. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Another LB costume done!!

Yup you read right, I did another LB costume. This time though I held a contest. People were to guess the size of it and I would take 40% off the $90.00 asking price. Well, with just 2 entries. Only one got it right on. And that was Kollean. Here is the pictures of her new costumes
 Here you see the costume, all finished and on the model. I will be taking better photos soon
 As you can see, I decided to put 3 tiny tassels on the head drape. I personally like the way it turned out.
 I sure do wish I had my soldering iron. Then I could make the bit more stable instead of using glue.
 OOO Lookie!! tassels

 This brow band is my first(but NOT last). Now that I look at it more closely, I see the right side of it is just a bit bigger than the left side. OOPS LOL

Anyway, I will be holding another "Guess The Size" contest in a few months. But first I have few presentation sets to make. Back orders that belong to Kollean. LOL

Saturday, February 7, 2015

my entries to Braymere custom Saddlery show

Vintage Breyer ASB. 
I see spots

Lady Phase Conga
Contains both OF and CM

The Great Outdoors

Monday, January 5, 2015

Graph afghans, Not easy, but not hard either

Hello everyone. Happy New Year. Yea I know I am 5 days late, but I have been rather busy and plus my New Year resolution was to stay off the computer as much as possible. It is working so far. Plus I have been crocheting a baby blanket for a great niece. Don't have any pictures right now, But as soon as I get done, I will post one. 

I just recently learned about "Graph" afghans via a post on Facebook. It struck my interest and I thought I would dive in and try one. Several people told me that I needed to start with a simple SMALL black and white one first. Yea right!!! Not this chick. I go for the hard stuff first. I started with a medium size, 3 color graph. LOL!!!! I had to watch several video's on YouTube just to get past the first color change. OMG!! I was like, You have got to be kidding me!!?? Well with a little practice and persistence, I am getting my first one done. I plan on making one for the hubby, hopefully I will have it done by his birthday. He loves eagles, so I am making one of an eagle in full flight. Colors are simple: White, Heather Grey, Light Grey, Black, Yellow, Gold and Cornmeal. 
Yea, that is a lot of colors, but the Yellow,Gold and Cornmeal are only a few stitches. Nothing like the white and other colors. 

Plus I am doing a TWH graph afghan for Joyce Savage(though she don't know that it is actually for her). Yes, she has seen the photo, but I just showed it to her cause like me, she loves the TWH in the "Rack" This picture I picked too doesn't show the hoof stacks that are on the "Big Lick" TWH's. This guy looks proud. I told her that I was making an afghan from the picture, but left out the fact that it is next years Christmas present to her. The reason is cause of all the bull crap she had to put up with when she had Stone do a Racking TWH. People laid in on her about promoting the soreing process that goes on in the real world. Geesh, a model is a model, not a real horse. I won't go into details. Well, until next time