Thursday, June 18, 2015

Caroline Murphy

Many of you have seen our newest rider on Facebook and Google + and I know your ready to hear her story to why she came to us.

About 3 weeks ago, Heather came to me asking questions about letting a young girl being at a ranch. I answered them the best I could not knowing that those questions were about the ranch. 

So, when the time came, I got a big surprise. Caroline Murphy came to live with her aunt Heather. Now don't get me wrong, I was surprised, but didn't get mad. Why should I, the poor girl just lost both of her parents and Heather was her only closest living relative. So without much ado, here is her story

"Hi, my name is Caroline Murphy and I am 10 years old. I recently lost my mom and dad in horrific car wreck. I was staying the night at my best friends house when the police came to their house to give me the bad news. The police officer told me that some guy in a pickup ran my parents off the road in a fit of rage. Then after he got them off the road, he proceeded to ram their car with his pickup. My dad was the first to loose his life. From what the officer told me, my mom died shortly after my dad. The bad guy was arrested and they found that he had lots of beer in him" 

While Caroline was telling me her story, We were both crying. I told her that I too had lost my parents, but not the way hers' died. Mine died of natural causes. Heather had told me before that Caroline was a good rider, so we gave her a try out on one of our newest Saddlebreds. They seemed to have "Clicked" and now Caroline has a horse all to her own. She knows the rules around the ranch and since child labor laws prohibit us to pay her a check, we just added her wages on to Heather's. For a 10 year old girl, I can say she can ride.
  Here she is on her assigned horse, Winter Blues R Gone. 
Though she is assigned to him, she still has the opportunity to ride our other gaited horses. When showing, He will be her first entry to the class. 


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hard times

I know I haven't been here lately. Been trying to keep the swelling down on my feet. It has been working. Started the "Eagle" graphgan over. I frogged the daylights out of the other one cause there were so many missed/added stitches, it wasn't even funny. So I decided to start over and work slowly. I am already half way done and I have only been working on it for a week. Yea, that is going slow.............NOT!! 

Money has been extremely tight due to the rain. Knocked my husband out of work for days. Driving a haul truck has it's disadvantages. Plus the boss was trying to cut his hours down, but yet was letting other employee's get all the hours. Boy there was an argument to live for. So now the hubby has his hours back and hopefully we can get out of this bind. For a full month our checking account was in the red(over drawn) and I had to take out a personal loan from the bank. I really hate to do that cause it makes me feel like a lower class person. I had several people tell me that Daniel should just quit his job and we live on welfare for the rest of our lives. WHAT??? I was livid. First off, these people are NOT even our friends(it was on facebook) and they have the gull to tell me and Daniel such crap? I went on a blocking spree. I don't know how they found out that we were in such a tight spot either cause I don't post things like that. Even Daniel don't post like that. We both think that it was a former employee that Daniel talks to, that may have said something to some of his friends and so on so forth. 

Been getting some threatening calls from Commonwealth financial. They keep calling me and telling me that I HAVE to pay off an old(1991) Fingerhut account. The person keeps telling me that the last time I made a payment was about 3 months ago...................Really? from an account that is nearly 30 years old??? I done told them time and time again, that the account is so old it makes me look young and that there was no way I was going to pay on it or pay it off. They keep telling me that they are going to sue me, but I have yet to see a sheriff handing me a subpena to appear in court. LOL who do they think they are? 

Well, better get off of here and get some grub cooking